Reviews about Promicil

  • J Brian
    I have struggled with foot fungus for a long time. Infections that have been cured quickly recur. Even in hot weather, I have to wear socks, but the smell still lingers for a long time. I had to use deodorant, but it didn't work as well as we'd like. On a friend's suggestion, I purchased Promicil and started using it. It worked, no more fungus!
  • Dionne
    Don't know where to get the fungus, but quickly felt something was wrong. The legs suddenly start to itch intensely and the skin becomes irritated. What scares me the most is the smell. Despite taking regular showers, he was terrible. I quickly ordered the promicil and within a few weeks my skin was back to its natural look. At the same time, the bad smell disappeared.
  • Marie
    My athlete's foot started innocently enough, at first I thought it was a clothing allergy, or that I was just using the wrong foot products. But it got worse. My feet burned uncomfortably and a white coating developed between my toes. There is no doubt that this is a fungal infection. I bought promicil and things improved after a few days.
  • Valérie
    Suddenly, she was suffering from foot mold disease. Symptoms got worse and I couldn't cope with the problem. The money spent on treatment isn't paying off. I decided to buy it during the Promicil promotion and to my surprise, the itching, bad smell and inflammation disappeared very quickly. After a few days, my feet were no longer smelly, and after a month, I was completely healed.
  • Michelle
    Persistent itching and severe burning between the toes after a fungal infection. After a while, I noticed ulcers. These medicines cause allergies, so I had to find a natural remedy. Found Promicil's review and purchased it. After a few days the itching was gone, the sores healed and within a few weeks I was fully healthy.
User rating Promicil