- Superficial (skin, nails, mucous membranes);
- Deep or systemic (involving deeper tissues).

- Pay close attention to your clothes and shoes. Socks should be cotton and fit loosely around the foot. They need to be replaced regularly. Be sure to wash with hot water. Use a special spray to disinfect shoes. Boots should be given time to dry between uses. It’s best to have three pairs of shoes for each season. Of course, shoes and underwear must be strictly personal. You can't walk around the apartment in shared slippers, or wear expensive shoes for friends.
- Hygiene products should also be personalized. Everyone knows about individual footcloths. But think about it, does each member of your family have a separate manicure set? It is best to buy several pairs of scissors and files and do not replace or borrow them from each other.
- Do not allow excessive humidity. After all, this is an ideal environment for the fungus to spread. Always towel dry after showering. Don't wear the same socks and sneakers after a run. Dry shoes thoroughly. If necessary, use powdered dry foot deodorant.
- Take care of your immunity. Fungus can appear on anyone's skin. But a healthy body is strong enough to overcome it, and the infection does not manifest itself in any way. Frequent fungal illnesses may be a sign that your immune defenses are declining. Taking antibiotics or anti-inflammatory hormones may have adverse effects on the immune system.
- Don’t confuse cleanliness with sterility. Hygiene is hygiene, but you shouldn't treat your feet with antibiotic ointment three times a day for no reason. Such measures can only be taken with a doctor's prescription. Bacteria and fungi are in balance on the skin of your feet. By eliminating all bacteria, we allow fungi to multiply uncontrollably.

How to treat?
suggestion.Treating nails with creams and ointments is not convenient. You have to apply them to absorbent cotton, apply them to your nails and seal them with a Band-Aid. Most medications require twice a day, which means the entire process must be repeated. While varnish can be applied simply with a brush, then drop the solution and wait for it to dry.
attention!Most medications need to be used until the nails grow back to health. The rate of nail growth is an individual characteristic of each organism. But for most people, it takes at least six months. Therefore, be prepared for long-term treatment.